Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yoga for Free

The Seattle University Village Lululemon store is currently offering free yoga classes 8 AM on Saturday and 9:30 AM on Sunday. (Be sure to check their calendar for classes because they aren't always weekly.) I visited the Sunday class.

I didn't know where in U Village the store is so called ahead, but found the directions I received were a little off, causing me to arrive a few minutes late. The room was already full of 28 laid-out yoga mats, everyone already in a posture. I laid out my mat on the last spot left and joined the movement.

Our instructor Sunday was Pam Granston, representing Hot Yoga of Laurelhurst, this month's sponsor of Sunday yoga instructors. Pam also teaches at New Seattle Massage. Her contact information is on their web site.
Pam in Revolved Crescent Lunge 

It was a vigorous class – less than an hour for me since I arrived late. Even still, I found myself scanning my classmates for a watch to see what time it was. "Only 10:15."

We did a lot of Upward Dog, Downward-Facing Dog, and Plank as we moved from one pose to another. We practiced some variations of Sun Salutation, Warrior poses, Dancer pose for a little balance work, and Bridge for those with enough flexibility.  A mixture of Indian and Western music played. Hint: Take a place away from the speakers if you want to always hear the instructor.
Pam Supervises Downward Dog

After class, I spoke with a few of the participants. Tiffany had brought her friend, Hannah, to the class. Tiffany said she'd come once before, maybe a year ago. Not only was it Hannah's first time, she didn't know the name of the store until I mentioned Lululemon. Both said the class had been great. Tiffany said that having classes weekly instead of monthly was a new thing at Lululemon.

Class Attendees Included 1 Girl & 1 Man - Otherwise All Female Adults

Sheryl and Olive were also there for only there second time in a year, but praised the class and our instructor. Sheryl is a trainer and yoga practitioner herself and Sunday is her only day off, she said.

As soon as the yoga students cleared out, the staff began rolling merchandise onto the floor. Megan said that this was a particularly full class. Megan works regularly at U Village Lululemon but has had the opportunity to fill in at Bellevue and the downtown Pacific Place store. The U Village clientele is more focused, she said, compared to the other shops. "It’s not a mall. People come in knowing what they want."

I'm thinking I'll try the Saturday class next. With that 8 AM start time, maybe it's a little less crowded.

Megan Rolls Out Inventory

1 comment:

  1. Free classes. That's a good deal. Thanks for passing on, and good for Lululemon for providing.
